teaser poster screening 4/29 submissions due 4/25

That's right!! We're doing another film fest this semester!!
the fest we had this january was fantastic there was so much more turnout for such little advertising! I honestly couldn't be happier about it =]


This time, you have a whole stinking month to make something spectacular!!! We're gonna have the auditorium so there's plenty of space! We're encouraging collaboration so you can work with others!! I understand that this is a fest that's coming around the end of the year and everyone will be busy with finals and things that are generally more important to your career as an artist. So no pressure!


I would love to submit to this fest but there is so much school work and a job to be done! I don't know if I have the time!
That's okay! you aren't required to make something for this fest! We all have work to do! I would say some advice that I have is to let go of traditional filmmaking norms and just make something! I have made a film where I just (metaphorically speaking) thrown shit at the wall and it was the most freeing and formative work I have ever made in my life. This isn't your final, this isn't your thesis! You don't get anything out of being the "best". Just make something and have fun doing it!
Can I sumbit my thesi-
No sorry. You can submit something you did in class but I would like it if you made something with the fest in mind. Your thesis will be screened at the end of the year anyway and if you made something a while ago there's like the all school show. I do think that there is a place for students to just showcase things they made that they are proud of but the point of the fests and what makes it fun in my eyes is the fact that we're all in this together in a way yknow?
Okay but what if it's something that I started in class a few weeks ago that wanted to finish? Oh wait wait wait? Is it okay if I work with people that aren't enrolled at the school? Oh and what about--
There's a certain saying an old friend of mine told me when we were young and I was a man, not a woman. He told me Never ask questions, always beg for forgiveness. I would say that rule applies to these questions. Like this is student run, I don't know everyone who goes to this school and I'm too busy being happy and going for walks to monitor when everyone started and ended production. Even with like your thesis I mean shit I guess you could submit it but like, I hope you don't!! But yeah to the questions above I couldn't be bothered to care
My film isn't necessarily animated is that okay?
If you submit a live action film to this film fest I think I'll walk up to you and give you a big kiss(not actually though). The definition of animation is barely concrete and as you look more into experimental pieces you realize that it actually means nothing but what we define it as. Is Neighbors by Norman Mclaren animated or live action? What about works of Rose Lowder? The answer to that is: Who cares!

The only thing I truly want to see out of peoples films is fun and a love for the craft!

If you want to submit to the fest, click here! If you would like to join the discord, click here! for submitting bumpers for the fest, you can also click here
if you have any more questions, email me at My name isn't sean btw it's sarah.
oki byeeeeee!! ;P